Reflection for 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B (13 & 14 April 2024)
First reading: Acts of the Apostles 3: 3-15, 17-19
Second reading: 1 John 2: 1-5
Gospel: Luke 24: 35-48
This weekend missal reading theme is ‘Christ, Our Advocate with the Father’
In the 1st reading, Peter spoke on how the Israelites have glorified but later condemned Jesus to die on the cross. God had foretold this as the fulfilment of the prophecies of the past prophets that this would happen in order that Jesus Christ suffering would mean the redemption of the people of their sins. Are we not too caused Jesus to be crucified on the cross by our sins? Our invitation today is to repent and turn back to God so that our sins would be forgiven.
In the 2nd reading, John’s letter purpose was to strengthen the believers that Jesus Christ is our advocate with the Father, and that they would remain persevere in keeping the commandments of God so that God’s love can be perfected in them. This message is a reminder for us today to turn away from our sins, receive the sacrament of reconciliation since Christ is present in the confessional, we can be sure of the Father’s forgiveness and His grace to help lead our lives.
The Gospel reading of John signifies the importance of acknowledging the evidences that Jesus indeed had resurrected from the dead and was alive and had appeared to His apostles and many disciples as well believers in the physical form, in contact with them through touching and eating together. He appeared to them not just to encourage, bring message of peace and joy, but also to reveal to them that He was the One prophesied long ago by the prophets, and how Christ was to fulfil the promises in the Old Testament. Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection were because God’s great love for us. Through Christ, we are again reunited with the Father, Jesus as being our advocate to the Father. Christ continues to guide us to understand the Scriptures through the Holy Spirit, bring forgiveness for those who repent of their sins and believed in Him, and present in our gathering when we call upon His name.
Jesus is inviting us today to repent and seek forgiveness through the Sacrament of Penance, and to carry out our calling to bring the Good News, the message of Easter to others that He is alive and will continue to be with us till the end of time. With Christ as our Advocate, we can sure of the Father’s love!
Prepared by Fredie