PENAMPANG – Four Catechists and 12 Extraordinary Communion Ministers (ECM), dubbed as “soldiers of faith”, will be honoured with a presentation of Certificates of Appreciation for their invaluable contribution to the church. These Catechists and ECMs have given themselves over to serve the Penampang parish of St Michael’s Church from the day they were called for voluntary service.
Parish priest Fr Wilfred Atin acknowledged the service of the parish volunteers with gratefulness, noting their dedication and devotion to their service, which was driven by their faithfulness in disposing themselves to enrich the ‘body of Christ’.
The catechists due for retirement are Peter Lidadun, Donald Malinggang, Verus Enoh and Wildy Moujing, while the retiring Extraordinary Communion Ministers are Alexander Yapp, Bede Yapp, Edmund Wong, Edwin Mijoh Sipanul, Fedilis Moginil, Francis Lee, Joannes P. Moinjil,Justin Lim, Lucy Komilus, Maurice Santani, Peter P. Lo and Thomas Miji.
The parish’s action to mark the life and voluntary service of these parishioners was made in response to the pastoral letter dated 21 March 2021, issued by Archbishop John Wong, which requires the automatic retirement of laity on reaching the age of 70.
The certificates presentation was planned for Jul 26 during the annual celebration of the parish family feast day of St Michael’s Penampang Parish, but due to the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO.3), it has now been deferred to a later date. However, the parish feast day Mass will be celebrated as planned on Jul 26, and will be available on live broadcast at 7.00 pm via Soccom St Michael’s Parish Penampang YouTube channel. Archbishop John Wong will be presiding the live streamed Mass. – JJ/Soccom Penampang (Catholic Sabah/FB, Jul 18,2021)