Reflection for 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year B (19th Sept 2021)
1st Reading: Wisdom 2:12,17-20
2nd Reading: James 3:16-4:3
Gospel Reading: Mark 9:30-37
The first reading talks about how people that don’t fear God will find that God fearing people, and those who preach of the Good News or Godly virtues and values, would find them as a nuisance and find the messages to be very disturbing. This situation remains even till the present time. There will always be challenges when we wish to be truthful and want to promote peace or justice.
The 2nd reading today talks about the values that comes from the gifts of the Holy Spirit which produces such fruits. The human desire is at its utmost weakness when a simple thought to achieve the pleasure of one’s mind to fulfill selfish pursuits, could push one to employ any method that could end up as an evil plan if one is not too careful. In summary, we who are called to live up to Christians values, should practice self-control and live in moderation.
The gospel for this Sunday reading has two messages. The first message that Jesus conveyed, ‘If anyone wants to be first, he must make himself last of all and servant of all.’ The calling to become Jesus’ disciples or followers is about humility and to be ready to be subjected to challenges and hardships that comes along with it. It’s never about getting to be first or being the top. Quite often, our human nature desires the reward rather than looking at the journey which is the true teacher in building our faith and one day to reap the harvest. One must be willing to be humble and persevere in the trials and face many difficulties. The second message ‘’Anyone who welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me”. What could Jesus have meant when he said those words? When we welcome a child in the name of Jesus, we welcome the values seen in a child, his innocence, goodness, trust in people, and in God. We too welcome Jesus and the Father’s desire that we put our trust in God and to be obedient to do His will. God will dwell in the hearts of those who welcome God. The Holy Spirit will grant us the gifts and bear the fruits to bring peace and to preach the Good News and virtues and values of God to others.
By: Bro Fredie R.