Reflections on the Feast of the Ascension
As we celebrate this solemnity I would like to share two (2) questions raised by our Pope Francis during his 2023 Regina Caeli (Queen of Heaven) prayer with pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square.
The first question: Why should we celebrate Jesus’ departure from the world? More likely than not his departure would have resulted in sadness and anxiety; and not something to be happy and rejoice over!
The second question: What is Jesus doing in Heaven?
Let us now look deeper into the first question. Pope Francis said that we celebrate because with the Ascension “something new and beautiful happened: Jesus brought our humanity, our flesh, into heaven. That humanity that he had assumed on earth did not remain on earth”. He was seated at the right hand of the Father fully God and fully man, that is, he had his human body, flesh and bones! What an astounding revelation.
Pope Francis explained further by saying “that from the day of Ascension on, God himself “changed” in that he is not only spirit, but such is his love for us that he bears our own flesh in himself.” No wonder then that St. Gregory of Nyssa could exclaimed:
“What splendid news! He who became man for us to make us his brothers (sisters) presents himself as man before the Father to bear with himself all those who are joined with him.”
Jesus has opened the door for us and his body is there.
So what is Jesus doing in Heaven?
Jesus is there for each one of us before the Father, continually showing our humanity to him, showing his wounds, the price of our redemption as he intercedes for God’s mercy on our behalf.
Knowing in faith that Jesus is there in heaven should be a great assurance for us “not to lose hope, not to get discouraged. Before the “most merciful and loving” Father, there is someone who makes him see his wounds and intercedes.”
May these reflections from the Holy Father help us to respond more vigorously in faith and action as Jesus, through the priest at the conclusion of the celebration of the Eucharist, command us to “Go and Proclaim the Good News”.